Curious Cat
After my father's death, I had some strange stuff happen that nudged me to learn about the supernatural. What I've been finding out is life is way more complicated, strange, and wonderful than I'd ever dreamed. The best part? Science is starting to catch up. I focus on the place where science and supernatural collide. What does it mean to be a soul in a meat suit? All episodes are made and offered in love. *All Curious Cat content is owned and operated by Storm Mystery Press LLC
Curious Cat
Weather Manipulation – Fact or Fiction? And Dragon Magic!
Weather Modification - Is it real or a conspiracy?
Off the top, we need to address the elephant in the room. Is weather modification real or is it a grand conspiracy? Well, the following article will help us discern the truth.
The article titled, 'Despite past failures, weather modification endures,' from American Association for the Advancement of Science states;
" For centuries there have been attempts to manipulate the weather, from ancient rituals designed to bring rain, to modern day cloud seeding. But where some past attempts were pseudo-scientific at best, weather modification continues to gain ground in an effort to solve some of the world's most devastating weather-related problems.
Weather modification includes attempts to create more rain, prevent rain, reduce hail, prevent fog, make snow, or reduce the severity of a hurricane. Although often used to create more precipitation in drought-prone regions, in some cases, weather modification has been a matter of convenience more than necessity. The Chinese government credited weather modification for assuring good weather for the 2008 Olympics. Rockets were used to induce rain by cloud seeding other areas in an attempt to keep the rain away from Beijing, specifically during the opening and closing ceremonies. In fact, the Beijing Meteorological Bureau has a Beijing Weather Modification Office dedicated to controlling the weather in the city and surrounding areas.
Cloud seeding was discovered by accident in July 1946 by scientist Vincent Schaefer, who was conducting a laboratory experiment at General Electric Research labs in New York. He was trying to produce a cloud in a chest freezer but it wasn't cold enough, so he put slabs of dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) in the freezer to cool it. To his surprise he found that when he breathed into the air, it created snow crystals.
Show Sources and Materials
Hurricane Magick - Human Ash, NOAA, & HAARP, Old World Florida, YouTube
HAARP to begin largest set of experiments at its new observatory, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Russia's concerns about HAARP and their formal report on this, Moscow Interfax
Yale article about pulse instrum
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