Curious Cat
After my father's death, I had some strange stuff happen that nudged me to learn about the supernatural. What I've been finding out is life is way more complicated, strange, and wonderful than I'd ever dreamed. The best part? Science is starting to catch up. I focus on the place where science and supernatural collide. What does it mean to be a soul in a meat suit? All episodes are made and offered in love. *All Curious Cat content is owned and operated by Storm Mystery Press LLC
Curious Cat
Stones - from the legendary to the cursed to the ones falling from the sky
Stones. They can be the ultimate precious treasure or most dire punishment. They can be cursed or blessed, bring luck or fortune, found in the bellies of goats or on long stretches of beach. Odds are you are wearing a stone, whether as a symbol of eternal love or as a protection, or simply because it is pretty against your skin.
I became interested in stones while I was writing my YA trilogy, the Josie Jameson series, which is about witches that derived their magic from stones imbedded in their hearts. Interested is too light a word, obsessed is more accurate. Cursed stones; mythical stones; magical stones; properties; enchantments; stone lore and legends. Every culture on the planet has stories of stones that have come to life, endowed someone with power, predicate the end of the world if they are harmed; mark the entrance to a sacred place or portal to another world, and more.
I'll share some facts and tales of high strangeness. Hopefully when we part, you’ll never look at stones the same way again.
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Art Director, Nora, has a handmade, ethically-sourced jewelry company!